Abdominoplasty / Tummy Tuck

Anesthesia General
Duration 2-3 hours
Hospitalization 2 nights
Postoperative needs Compression garment
Results Immediately visible. Settlement 1 year.
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Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fatty tissue from the middle and lower abdomen and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall.

Abdominoplasty is not a surgical treatment for overweight. Obese individuals who intend to lose weight should postpone any kind of body contouring surgery until they are able to maintain their weight loss.

There are several different abdominoplasty techniques. It can be combined with other forms of body contouring surgery including liposuction, or it can be performed at the same time as other elective surgeries.


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Abdominoplasty Surgery Candidates

  • Women after pregnancy
  • las mujeres u hombres que han perdido peso y tienen exceso de piel abdominal
  • The best candidates for a tummy tuck are men or women who are relatively at their appropriate weight but are bothered by large deposits of belly fat or loose abdominal skin that does not respond to dieting or exercise.

Los pacientes con exceso de peso no suelen ser los candidatos ideales para obtener los mejores resultados.

  • Anesthesia: the tummy tuck or abdominoplasty operation is performed under general anesthesia.
  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours approximately.
  • Procedure: The procedure consists of making an incision in the lower abdomen and removing the skin up to above the navel, at the end of the procedure there will be an incision line that is usually covered by the underwear or swimsuit and another incision around the navel.
  • Hospitalización: se requieren 2 noches de hospitalización.


Desde 7.850€
  • Incluye honorarios médicos, ayudantía enfermería, anestesia, quirófano y hospitalización. IVA incluido. Este precio podrá ser modificado según la historia médica del paciente.
  • Two weeks of recovery are required after an abdominoplasty operation.
  • The stitches are removed 7 to 10 days after surgery.
  • The use of a compressive postoperative girdle is recommended for one month.
  • Exercise after abdominoplasty surgery should be restricted until at least one month after the operation.

Our abdominoplasty procedures incorporate treatment for scars using PRP, and growth factors. We also offer the possibility of applying laser treatment to the abdominoplasty scars one week and one month after the operation.

The combination of these two treatments improves the quality and healing time of scars.

Realizamos esta intervención en Palma de Mallorca.

El precio de la intervención se entrega una vez realizada la consulta con el Dr. García Ceballos.

Durante la consulta podrás ver fotos del antes y después de casos similares al tuyo.

Si viajas o nos consultas desde cualquier punto de España, Reino Unido o Europa puedes solicitar tu consulta telemática vía Skype.

Es conveniente ponerse en manos de especialista en cirugía plástica reparadora y estética para la realización de este tipo de intervención.

Opiniones de nuestros clientes

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4,9 sobre 5 en 88 opiniones

Frequently Asked Questions

The price of an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery ranges from 5,000 to 10,000 €.

The abdominoplasty procedure is uncomfortable postoperatively, although pain is restricted to sudden movements or limited to the patient’s cough.

After an abdominoplasty you can lose between 500gr and 3 kg depending on each case.

La abdominoplastia no es una intervención destinada a reducir el peso del paciente, sino a mejorar la silueta una vez el paciente haya perdido el peso excesivo.

A candidate for abdominoplasty is a patient who has lost excessive weight or a woman who after pregnancy experiences a loss of abdominal muscle tone with or without skin laxity.

Two weeks of recovery are required after an abdominoplasty operation. Exercise after abdominoplasty surgery should be restricted until at least one month after the operation.

An abdominoplasty is performed when there is an excess of abdominal skin that produces a sagging.

Abdominoplasty can also be performed when after pregnancies there is a distension of the abdominal wall due to diastasis or separation of the rectus abdominis muscles.

La cirugía de abdominoplastia dura aproximadamente tres horas.

The anesthesia used for abdominoplasty is general anesthesia. In some particular cases it can be performed under spinal anesthesia.

A tummy tuck is not the same as liposuction of the abdomen. Liposuction of the abdomen is performed when there is excess fat without skin sagging. Excessively lax skin in the presence of fat and undergoing liposuction can worsen the appearance of the abdomen.

Abdominoplasty consists of the removal of skin and abdominal fat to achieve a smoother and tighter abdomen.

After an abdominoplasty the belly takes approximately three months to deflate.

The abdominoplasty operation consists of making an incision in the lower abdomen and removing the skin up to above the navel.

Al finalizar la intervención se apreciará una línea de incisión que habitualmente queda cubierta por la ropa interior o el bañador y otra incisión en torno al ombligo.

Dr. García Ceballos is a specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. It is based in Palma de Mallorca. You can check his credentials at SECPRE (Society of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery). It is advisable to put yourself in the hands of a specialist in reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery for the realization of this type of intervention.

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