Anesthesia No
Duration 10 min.
Hospitalization Outpatient
Postoperative needs Avoid pressure
Results 10 days
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Botox · Anti-wrinkles · Migraines · Hyperhidrosis treatment

This medical treatment consists of injecting a medicine through a fine needle into the muscles causing the problem.


Botox · Anti-wrinkles · Migraines · Hyperhidrosis treatment

This technique can treat:

  • Expression wrinkles
  • Strabismus
  • Migraine
  • Hyperdidrosis of the palms of the hands and armpits
  • Blepharospasm
  • Dystonias Vertebral pain Paraplegic
  • Urinary incontinence

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Treatment of expression wrinkles, migraines or hyperdrosis

The duration of the muscle relaxation effect is temporary and usually lasts between 3 and 5 months. Naturally, the reactivation of the treated muscles is progressive and not sudden, which will produce a progressive visibility of the treated wrinkles as time goes by.

  • The injection can be annoying although it is usually well tolerated.
  • Some small bruises after injections that usually disappear over a few days.

The initial effect can be seen from the third day, although it is only from the tenth day that the effects are full. This lag between injection and full effect is due to the block in the release of acetylcholine at the motor end plate it is not immediate.

There are two phases in the evolution of wrinkle treatment:

  1. From treatment to 3 months after application: in which the paralysis is complete. The treated muscles will not move and therefore the wrinkles will disappear or fade.
  2. From 3 months after the injection: from this moment the second phase begins in which the treated muscles begin to move allowing a greater facial expression and with an attenuation of wrinkles point this second phase runs between the third and the fifth or sixth month.

That is why we recommend carrying out the treatment, neither before five or six months after the treatment, nor later to prevent the treated muscles from gaining tone and the wrinkles from returning to their initial state. Therefore, we recommend treatment twice a year.

The time of year in which the treatment is carried out is irrelevant.

  • It is advisable to avoid pressure on the injected areas to prevent migration of the drug to muscle regions that we do not want to treat.
  • If you are pregnant or have any neurological disease, is advisable to inform your surgeon to avoid possible unwanted effects.
  • Side effects are rare in general. Among them, the most frequent are transient headaches and the migration of the drug to unwanted muscle groups.

A good injection technique and knowledge of each individual patient helps to avoid them.

Personalized treatment

When treating a patient for the first time, we establish a basic safety pattern that we will compare with the result obtained. In this way, and once the muscular activity of each particular patient is known, we can adjust the treatment in the second session in a more effective way. This helps improve the quality of treatments. That is why we recommend that you remain faithful to your trusted surgeon as much as possible.

Prevention of facial wrinkles

Since the beginning of the use of this medicine for the treatment of wrinkles, we have known that the etiology or origin of expression wrinkles has to do with excessive muscle activity. A repeated contraction of the muscles below the skin causes the dermis to fracture and as a consequence the wrinkle appears.

There is no doubt that if we can treat the skin before this thermal fracture occurs, we will be preventing the appearance of facial wrinkles. That is why the person who wants to keep their facial expression free of wrinkles should consider starting treatment at ages when wrinkles are not present.

For this reason, we recommend starting treatments from the age of 28 as a preventive treatment.

Treatment of facial wrinkles

Once the wrinkles are established, that is, a fracture of the dermis has occurred, the treatment is aimed at attenuating the wrinkles and, depending on their degree, at eliminating facial expression wrinkles.

These wrinkles are the expression lines between the eyebrows, those of the forehead and those of the crow’s feet.

Combined treatments for the attenuation and elimination of expression wrinkles

In some cases we usually combine this treatment with the laser. The combination of these two treatments enhance their effects.

Treatments can be combined facial rejuvenation:

  • Mesotherapy using a formula of vitamins and hualuronic acid
  • PRP or plasma, growth factors.
  • Laser
  • Radiofrequency
  • Hifu

Los tratamientos se realizan de forma local y ambulatoria.

El precio de cada tratamiento se entrega una vez realizada la consulta con el Dr. García Ceballos y depende de las características y necesidades específicas de cada paciente.

Durante la consulta podrás ver fotos del antes y después de casos similares al tuyo.

Si viajas o nos consultas desde cualquier punto de España, Reino Unido o Europa puedes solicitar tu consulta telemática vía Skype.

Es conveniente ponerse en manos de especialista en cirugía plástica reparadora y estética para la realización de este tipo de tratamiento.

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Frequently asked questions

The effect begins to be noticed from the fourth day after the injection, although its settlement occurs around the 20th day.

The effect lasts 5 or 6 months. It should be noted that the paralysis produced lasts around 3 months, although there are another two or three more months in which the effect lasts in terms of the reduction of expression wrinkles.

You should tell your doctor if you take muscle relaxant antibiotics as well as medicines that affect your blood coagulation.

It depends on the application areas.

The areas in which this treatment is recommended are the facial expression lines, that is, the wrinkles between the eyebrows and the «crow’s feet» as well as the frontal wrinkles.

As a precaution, this treatment should not be done if you are pregnant.

As a precaution, this treatment should not be done if you are breastfeeding.

It is applied through injections into the muscles responsible for expression wrinkles.

You can practically lead a normal life. It is important that you pay attention not to press the areas where the injections have been given, this could produce a displacement of the medicine to adjoining muscles and cause unwanted effects.