PRP · Grown factors

Anesthesia Cream
Duration 30 min.
Hospitalization Outpatient
Postoperative needs Avoid intense sun exposure. 50SPF
Results Cumulative
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PRP · Grown factors

Growth factors are proteins produced by the human body to repair tissues. Although these proteins are found in different cells of the body, we use those found in our own blood inside platelets. You have in your cytoplasm granules full of these proteins.

We know that these proteins have the ability to attract cells responsible for tissue repair wherever they are found.

PRP · Grown factors

Within the variety of products that can be obtained from plasma, we elaborate what is called plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) and fibrin rich in leukocytes and platelets (LPRF). Treatment with PRP differs in that the concentration of growth factors is lower.

Plasma rich in growth factors

Due to its liquid presentation, we use this product in rejuvenation and as an antiaging treatment.
Its processing is carried out in a sterile manner without the blood being exposed to the environment, in accordance with current regulations.

Treatments and indication by PRP

  • Prevention of skin aging in young patients
  • Restoration of aged skin
  • Enhancement wound healing post-surgical
  • Enrichment of fat grafts. Enhances the permanence of the grafted fat
  • Enrichment of lipofilling through nanofat
  • Treatment of skin stress states such as that caused by exposure to the sun or cold
  • It is indicated for the face, neck, neckline and hands.
  • Wounds or injuries to the skin and soft tissues.
  • Provides a skin with more brightness, luminosity, color, with better texture, more hydrated and elastic.
  • Promotes wound healing.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  1. Blood extraction: a blood sample is extracted and centrifuged.
  2. Centrifugation: after centrifugation, a plasma highly concentrated in platelets is obtained, which is isolated and injected into the patient’s skin.
  3. PRP application: this injection is performed in a sterile manner using a high-precision gun that is applied to the appropriate skin layer. For your injection we use a high-potency anesthetic cream.
    1. The approximate duration of the treatment is 30 minutes.
    2. After it, there is a slight facial redness that is very bearable, which will disappear in the following hours.
    3. Frequency of treatment: after injection, the proteins are progressively released from the platelet granules over the next 6 days. This conditions the frequency of treatment to be ideal. For this reason we recommend the application of a session every 20 days during the first three applications and after that an annual maintenance every month and a half. We have annual treatment plans designed to facilitate the availability of treatment
  • During the first night after treatment, we recommend washing the applied area with a neutral soap.
  • Avoid applying creams. The next day you can apply your usual creams or makeup.
  • Avoid extreme sun exposure during the first few days and use a sun protection factor of 50.

We carry out this intervention in Palma de Mallorca.

The price of the intervention is delivered after consulting with Dr. García Ceballos.

During the consultation you will be able to see before and after photos of cases similar to yours.

If you travel or consult us from anywhere in Spain, UK or Europe you can request your telematic consultation via Skype.

It is convenient to put yourself in the hands of a specialist in Plastic cosmetic and reconstructive surgery to carry out this type of intervention.

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Frequently asked questions

After applying PRP to the skin, it is advisable to keep the treated areas clean. This implies not applying make-up or creams during the first 24 hours. After applying plasma to the skin, avoid direct sun exposure or heat for the first 24 hours.

The application of plasma on the face is unlimited. The ideal is to apply the first two treatments during the first month and apply a maintenance treatment three times a year.

The PRP acts on the face stimulating the , vitality elasticity and brightness of the skin.

PRP acts on the hair by stimulating the hair follicle by increasing its vascularization and thus the supply of nutrients. This makes the hair appear thicker and more vital.

To improve hair quality, PRP should be applied twice during the first month of treatment and then every 3 months for a minimum period of one year.

The PRP treatment on the skin requires continuity in order to notice the effects. From the sixth month you can begin to notice the effects on the quality of the skin and from one year on the hair.

The price of plasma on the face can range between €300 and €600.In our center there are annual vouchers with which you can benefit from the price.

The PRP sessions that must be done to improve the quality of the skin are equivalent to 6 months of treatment. This supposes two sessions the first month and 4 more sessions between the following five months.

No. Growth factors are not indicated for facial fillers.

Yes, a PRP can be done if you are taking medications as long as they alter blood coagulation.

The pain of PRP applied to the face depends on the technique used. In our center we use a high-frequency gun to apply a powerful anesthetic cream prior to treatment, which facilitates the procedure in a comfortable way.

Any treatment, including PRP, that is not essential should be avoided during your pregnancy.

The most appropriate professional to carry out your PRP treatment may be your plastic surgeon, dermatologist or aesthetic doctor.