Nipple reduction

Anesthesia Local
Duration 30 min.
Hospitalization Day case
Postoperative needs Sports bra/dressing
Results Immediately noticeable. Settles within 1 year
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Nipple reduction

In some women or men, the excessive projection of their nipples can cause social problems and they are forced to wear so-called “teat cups” to avoid visibility of the nipples through clothing.

For these cases, there is a definitive solution that is performed through a small intervention under local anesthesia and without hospital admission.

  • The intervention can last about 10 min and does not cause pain.
  • After the intervention, the height of the nipples can be adapted to the wishes of the woman or the man.
  • There is no need to remove stitches and you are advised to refrain from swimming or having a bath for 10 days.

Click on the PLAY button to show the presentation of this procedure.


Nipple reduction


Our nipple reduction surgery incorporates treatment for scars during the intervention using growth factors.
We also offer the possibility of applying a laser treatment to the scars of the nipple reduction surgery one week and one month after the intervention.

The combination of these two treatments improves the quality and healing time of scars.

We carry out this intervention in Palma de Mallorca.

The price of the intervention is delivered after consulting with Dr. García Ceballos.

During the consultation you will be able to see before and after photos of cases similar to yours.

If you travel or consult us from anywhere in Spain, UK or Europe you can request your telematic consultation via Skype.

It is convenient to put yourself in the hands of a specialist in Plastic cosmetic and reconstructive surgery to carry out this type of intervention.

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Frequently asked questions

There is no such thing as a passive or “natural” way to reduce nipple size. Nipple reduction involves a surgical treatment that is performed under local anesthesia.

The price to reduce the nipples can range between €800 and €3,000

Nipple reduction, depending on the technique, could affect breastfeeding. Some techniques use flaps by which the lactiferous ducts, responsible for the exit of milk from the breast, are clogged; others, however, do not do it this way and allow the milk to flow.

Yes, the sensitivity of the nipples remains after the nipple reduction procedure. It could be normal that during the first months you feel a slight alteration in sensitivity.

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