Anesthesia No
Duration 10 min.
Hospitalization Ambulatory
Postoperative needs Avoid pressure
Results 10 días.
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Botox · Toxina botulínica

This medical treatment consists of the injection of a medicine by means of a fine needle into the muscles causing the problem.


Botox · Toxina botulínica

This technique can be used to treat:

  • Expression wrinkles
  • Strabismus
  • Migraine
  • Hyperhidrosis of the palms and armpits
  • Blepharospasm dystonia
  • Vertebral algias
  • Urinary incontinence paraplegic


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Treatment of expression wrinkles, migraines or hyperdrosis

The duration of the muscle relaxation effect is temporary and usually lasts between 3 and 5 months. Naturally, the reactivation of the treated muscles is progressive and not sudden, which will result in a progressive visibility of the treated wrinkles as time goes by.

  • The injection can be uncomfortable but is usually well tolerated.
  • Some minor bruising after the injections, which usually disappears after a few days.

The initial effect can begin to be seen from the third day, although it is not until the tenth day that the effects are full. This lag between injection and full effect is due to the fact that the blockage in the release of acetylcholine in the motor plate is not immediate.

There are two phases in the evolution of wrinkle treatment:

  1. From treatment until 3 months after application: at which time paralysis is complete. The treated muscles will not move and therefore the wrinkles will disappear or attenuate.
  2. From 3 months after the injection: from this moment on, the second phase begins in which the treated musculature begins to move allowing a greater facial expression and with an attenuation of wrinkles. This second phase takes place between the third and the fifth or sixth month.

This is why we recommend that the treatment be performed no sooner than five or six months after the treatment, nor later, to prevent the treated muscles from gaining tone and wrinkles from returning to their initial state. Therefore, we recommend treatment twice a year.

The time of year in which the treatment is performed is irrelevant.

  • It is advisable to avoid pressure on the injected areas to prevent migration of the medication to muscle regions that we do not wish to treat.
  • If you are pregnant or have a neurological disease, it is advisable to inform your surgeon to avoid possible unwanted effects.
  • Side effects are infrequent in general. Among them the most frequent are transient headache and migration of the drug to unwanted muscle groups.

Una buena técnica de inyección y el conocimiento de cada paciente en particular ayuda a evitarlos.

Tratamiento personalizado

Once the wrinkles are established, i.e. a fracture of the dermis has occurred, the treatment is aimed at attenuating the wrinkles and, depending on their degree, eliminating facial expression wrinkles.

These wrinkles are frown lines, forehead lines and crow’s feet lines.

Prevention of facial wrinkles

Since the beginning of the use of anti-wrinkle treatment for the treatment of wrinkles, we have known that the etiology or origin of expression wrinkles has to do with excess muscle activity. Una contracción repetida de la musculatura por debajo de la piel hace que la dermis se fracture y como consecuencia de ello aparezca la arruga.

No cabe duda que si podemos tratar la piel antes de que se produzca esa fractura térmica estaremos previniendo la aparición de arrugas faciales. This is why the person who wishes to keep their facial expression free of wrinkles should consider the injection of anti-wrinkle treatment at ages when wrinkles are not present.

Therefore, we recommend starting treatments at 28 years of age as a preventive treatment.

Treatment of facial wrinkles

Once the wrinkles are established, i.e. a fracture of the dermis has occurred, the treatment is aimed at attenuating the wrinkles and, depending on their degree, eliminating facial expression wrinkles.

These wrinkles are frown lines, forehead lines and crow’s feet lines.

Tratamientos combinados para la atenuación y eliminación de las arrugas de expresión

In some cases we usually combine the treatment of anti-wrinkle treatment with laser. The combination of these two treatments enhances their effects.

Several facial rejuvenation treatments can also be combined:

  • Facial mesotherapy using a formula of vitamins and huialuronic acid.
  • PRP or plasma, growth factors.
  • Laser
  • Radiofrequency
  • Hifu

Treatments are performed locally and on an outpatient basis.

The price of each treatment is given after the consultation with Dr. García Ceballos and depends on the characteristics and specific needs of each patient.

During the consultation you will be able to see before and after photos of cases similar to yours.

If you are travelling or consulting us from anywhere in Spain, the UK or Europe you can request your consultation online via Skype.

It is advisable to seek the advice of a specialist in reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery for this type of treatment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The effect starts to be noticed from the fourth day after the injection, although it settles around the 20th day.

The effect lasts 5 to 6 months. It should be noted that the paralysis produced lasts about 3 months, although there are another two or three months during which the effect lasts in terms of the reduction of expression wrinkles.

Es conveniente que comunique a su médico si toma antibióticos relajantes musculares así como medicamentos que afecten a la coagulación de su sangre.

Depends on the areas of application.

The areas where this treatment is recommended are facial expression lines, i.e. frown lines and “crow’s feet” as well as frontal wrinkles.

As a precaution, this treatment should not be performed if you are pregnant.

Por precaución no debe utilizar el botox si usted está en el periodo de lactancia.

El Bótox se aplica mediante inyecciones dentro de la musculatura responsable de las arrugas de expresión.

Prácticamente se puede realizar una vida normal después de ponerse el botox. Es importante que prestes atención a no presionar las zonas donde le han puesto las inyecciones esto podría producir un desplazamiento de la toxina a músculos anexos y ocasionar efectos indeseados.