Looking for information about breast augmentation in Mallorca? Breast augmentation is performed on women who desire a larger breast or on women whose breasts have become less firm or less voluminous after pregnancy or weight loss and wish to enhance their shape.
A woman’s breast is considered a sign of femininity. We understand that breast augmentation is a way to enhance your femininity.
We understand that you are interested in knowing how much a breast operation costs, an important topic when considering a cosmetic surgery such as the breast augmentation. In MallorcaThe price of plastic surgery can vary according to several factors, such as the type of procedure, the surgeon’s experience and the clinic selected. For accurate information about the cost of breast surgery in Mallorca, we recommend that you contact our experts in Plastic Surgery in Mallorca at MMG. They will be able to provide you with a personalized consultation and answer all your questions about pricing and financing options.
Dr. Garcia Ceballos recommends that it is the patient who chooses the final shape and volume of the breasts, as well as the materials needed to perform breast augmentation surgery.
Breast augmentation with prosthesis
El aumento de pecho con prótesis consiste en la implantación de unas prótesis de gel de silicona cohesiva en un espacio posterior a la glándula mamaria.
Breast augmentation with own fat
La cirugía de aumento mamario con grasa propia consiste en la extracción (mediante liposucción) y utilización de grasa de su propio cuerpo (abdomen, caderas, etc.).
Breast augmentation with prosthesis
A woman’s breast is considered a sign of femininity. We understand that breast augmentation is a way to enhance your femininity.
Breast augmentation surgery is performed on women who desire a larger breast or on women whose breasts have become less firm or less voluminous after pregnancy or weight loss and wish to enhance their shape. Currently we are talking about breast augmentation with the “AMI technique” which is nothing more than a Minimally InvasiveBreast Augmentationthat uses the classic techniques of breast augmentation.
Breast augmentation with prostheses consists of the implantation of cohesive silicone gel prostheses in a space posterior to the mammary gland.
Breast augmentation with prosthesis
The consultation
The consultation:
The consultation consultation with a experienced plastic surgeonis an essential step in your journey to a breast augmentation. breast augmentation satisfactory. During this consultation, you will be able to discuss your aesthetic goals and resolve any questions you may have about the procedure. The Dr. Garcia Ceballos and his team will be there to guide you every step of the way and make sure you feel comfortable and confident in your decision.
El Dr. Garcia Ceballos recomienda que sea la paciente quien decida elegir la forma y el volumen final de las mamas, así como los materiales necesarios para la realización de la cirugía de aumento de pecho. During the consultation with the doctor, the patient receives all the necessary information to be able to choose the most convenient option according to her expectations.
The breast augmentation in Mallorca is an opportunity to enhance your femininity and increase your confidence. If you are considering this surgery, do not hesitate to contact us to get the information you need. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals and feel confident and beautiful in your own skin.
Types of breast prostheses
Prostheses can be according to its shaperound or anatomical (drop-shaped), according to its contentThe silicone gel is made of single or dual cohesive silicone gel, with silicone with borosilicate particles or physiological saline solution, according to their coverage smooth, rough and polyurethane silicone, according to its projection more or less high and according to its basis round, vertical oval or horizontal oval.
As a general rule, round prostheses tend to result in a more rounded breast at the upper pole, while anatomical prostheses reproduce a natural breast shape. The price of breast augmentation surgery varies depending on the implants chosen.
Dr. Garcia Ceballos is a specialist in the implantation of polyurethane prostheses and currently 95% of his patients choose this material.
The choice of the type of implant or material can be made by you according to the information received from your surgeon.
Warranty of prostheses
Lifetime replacement in case of rupture of the implant shell for Polytech silicone gel-filled implants.
For implants covered with polyurethane foam, in addition to lifetime replacement in case of rupture of the implant shell, an additional warranty of a free Polytech brand replacement breast implant is offered for up to 10 years after implant placement in case of capsular fibrosis or implant rotation/dislocation.
More information: Polytech
Implant placement - incisions
The incisions to introduce the prosthesis can be made in:
- The perimeter of the areola
- In the inframammary fold (below the breast)
- In the armpit.
This decision can be made by the patient according to the indications of the plastic surgeon during the consultation.
The position of the implant depends on the body characteristics of each patient as well as their life habits, the aesthetic taste they prefer to obtain after the intervention and the type of implant chosen. This can be in front of or behind the pectoralis major muscle.
Breast augmentation with prosthesis
The Intervention
The breast augmentation procedure is performed under general anesthesia and lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. It usually requires an overnight hospital stay, although it can be performed on an outpatient basis. The insertion of soft drains is important for the prevention of future complications and for this reason they remain in place for the first 24 hours.
A postoperative bra is applied and an elastic band for silicone and a bra without a band for polyurethane, which the patient must wear for one month. The return to work will depend on the type of activity performed by the patient, it can range from a few days after surgery to 2 or 3 weeks.
Breast augmentation with hemispherical profile prosthesis and silicone coverage, from:
- Incluye honorarios médicos, ayudantía enfermería, anestesia, quirófano y hospitalización. IVA incluido. Este precio podrá ser modificado según la historia médica del paciente.
Breast augmentation With hemispherical profile prosthesis and polyurethane covering
- Incluye honorarios médicos, ayudantía enfermería, anestesia, quirófano y hospitalización. IVA incluido. Este precio podrá ser modificado según la historia médica del paciente.
Breast augmentation with anatomical profile prosthesis and polyurethane cover, from:
- Incluye honorarios médicos, ayudantía enfermería, anestesia, quirófano y hospitalización. IVA incluido. Este precio podrá ser modificado según la historia médica del paciente.
The result of the breast augmentation procedure can be seen one month after the procedure, although it takes at least one year to appreciate the final result.
El resultado final depende de las características corporales y de la mama de cada paciente, así como de los deseos de cada paciente.
A yearly check-up by your surgeon and an ultrasound check-up 3 years after your operation are recommended. Choosing the best cosmetic surgery clinic in Mallorca will benefit your results.
Breast augmentation surgery is not free of possible complications, like any other surgical procedure. Entre ellas están la formación de una cápsula alrededor del implante que puede hacer que con el paso del tiempo las mamas se vuelvan duras y redondas, el giro del implante, el desplazamiento del implante, arrugas visibles (rippling), ruptura, hematoma o infección. The rate at which many of these complications are likely to occur depends largely on the material of which the prosthetic covering is composed. In general, polyurethane-coated prostheses tend to produce a significantly lower rate of capsular contraction than silicone-coated prostheses.
Our breast augmentation procedures incorporate a treatment for scars using growth factors. growth factors. We also offer the possibility of applying a laser treatment on the scars of the mastopexy operation one week and one month after the intervention.
The combination of these two treatments improves the quality and healing time of scars.
We carry out this intervention in Palma de Mallorca.
The price of the intervention is delivered after consulting with Dr. García Ceballos.
During the consultation you will be able to see before and after photos of cases similar to yours.
If you travel or consult us from anywhere in Spain, UK or Europe you can request your telematic consultation via Skype.
It is convenient to put yourself in the hands of a specialist in Plastic cosmetic and reconstructive surgery to carry out this type of intervention.
Breast augmentation with own fat
La cirugía de aumento mamario con grasa propia consiste en la extracción de grasa de su propio cuerpo (abdomen, caderas, etc.) mediante liposucción. Esta grasa se depura para obtener células grasas (adipocitos) que después se inyectan en las mamas para incrementar así el volumen. This constitutes fat grafting.
Fat must be treated in a certain way in order to increase its effectiveness as a graft. Asimismo conocemos que el enriquecimiento de la grasa mediante L-PRF factores de crecimiento sanguíneos mejora su durabilidad1. Therefore, we apply fat grafts treated and enriched with L-PRF.
Breast lipofilling is a technique that has gained popularity in the world of cosmetic surgery, as it uses the patient’s own fat to increase the size of the breasts in a natural way. If you are wondering about the price of breast lipofilling in Mallorca, we invite you to contact our specialists in Plastic Surgery in Mallorca at www.mallorcamedicalgroup.com, who will be able to provide you with detailed information about the costs and financing options available.
Breast augmentation with own fat
Characteristics and limitations
El aumento mamario con grasa propia tiene limitaciones. These are mainly due to the fact that the fat may partially disappear during the postoperative period. This could lead to re-interventions to achieve the desired volume, with its consequent increase in price and discomfort. On the other hand, in order to be able to perform this technique, it is necessary to have enough fat in other parts of the body. Moderate breast augmentations of 200cc to 250cc are possible.
We currently use it in combined treatment in breast augmentation with prosthesis by means of fat grafting, particularly in the internal part of the breast2.
This technique is also used for breast reconstruction and in those cases in which there are irregularities in the contour of the breast after breast augmentation. This technique is also used for corrections of certain areas of the breast contour.
Our breast augmentation procedures with fat grafting include scar treatment with growth factors.
We also offer the possibility of applying a laser treatment to the scars of the breast augmentation with fat grafting operation one week and one month after the intervention.
We carry out this intervention in Palma de Mallorca.
The price of the intervention is delivered after consulting with Dr. García Ceballos.
During the consultation you will be able to see before and after photos of cases similar to yours.
If you travel or consult us from anywhere in Spain, UK or Europe you can request your telematic consultation via Skype.
It is convenient to put yourself in the hands of a specialist in Plastic cosmetic and reconstructive surgery to carry out this type of intervention.
Aumento mamario mediante grasa propia, desde:
- Incluye honorarios médicos, ayudantía enfermería, anestesia, quirófano y hospitalización. IVA incluido. Este precio podrá ser modificado según la historia médica del paciente. Se incluye la liposucción estrictsametne necesaria para la extracción de la grasa necesaria para el aumento mamario. Cualquier liposucción suplementaria será conceptuada separadamente.
Our greatest asset is our customers
I had breast surgery by Dr. Ceballos and I am very happy with the results and the treatment.
And in your team. I recommend it 😉
— Laura Sainz —
Dr Garcia is a professional, I am delighted with the result of my breast augmentation,
My experience with them has been great!!!
— Sofía Barreto —
I chose Dr. Garcia Ceballos and his team because of the good treatment and the confidence they transmit. It’s been about a month since the procedure, and I’m thrilled!
The result could not have been better. Lo recomiendo al 100%
— Ane Montilla —
The treatment of Dr. and his team. The confidence they give you. The operation and postoperative period were great, with no pain or complications. My experience has been perfect. I recommend it.
— Rebeca Mura —
Ha pasado un año y medio desde que el Dr. García Ceballos me operó de aumento de pechos con grasa propia. En mi caso en particular, tenía suficiente grasa para hacer frente al injerto graso en ambas mamas, por lo que pude optar por esta opción. El Dr. desde el primer momento, me expuso los pros y los contras de la intervención, me advirtió de que este procedimiento tiene sus limitaciones, que es posible que requiera varias intervenciones de repetición, debido a que la grasa puede desaparecer con el tiempo. For now, a year and a half later, I am very satisfied with the results, the volume achieved is the expected volume (which is not an excessive volume, but for my taste enough volume). Mi experiencia ha sido muy satisfactoria, le agradezco enormemente la sinceridad y profesionalidad del Dr. García Ceballos y te todo su equipo, especialmente a Irene
— Laura Coll —
Gracias a mi cirujano plástico, el Dr. García Ceballos, he podido recuperar la autoestima que perdí tras la pérdida de volumen de mis pechos debido a mis 2 embarazos. Hace 10 días que me he sometido a una intervención de aumento de senos con injerto graso o grasa propia, como se suele decir… En realidad, se puede decir que ha sido un 2×1, ya que para el injerto graso mamario, han extraído toda la grasa necesaria mediante una liposucción de abdomen y regiones lumbares, osea que al final me he sometido a una liposucción y a un aumento de mamas con grasa propia. Estoy muy contenta con el resultado, mi contorno corporal ha mejorado muchísimo y sólo han pasado 10 días tras la intervención. De nuevo, gracias Dr. García Ceballos por entender qué es lo que quería y haberlo realizado con tan suma perfección.
— Carmen Pujadas —
The price of breast augmentation surgery depends on several factors, including the type of implant, the technique used, the clinic where the surgery takes place and the category of the surgeon. Los precios para esta intervención oscilan entre los 2.500€ y los 10.000€.
The best plastic surgeon in breast augmentation is the one who produces satisfied patients with the fewest complications. It is most common to rely on the opinions of patients who have previously undergone breast augmentation surgery.
Breast augmentation surgery is not free of possible complications, like any other surgical procedure. Entre ellas están la formación de una cápsula alrededor del implante que puede hacer que con el paso del tiempo las mamas se vuelvan duras y redondas, el giro del implante, el desplazamiento del implante, arrugas visibles (rippling), ruptura, hematoma o infección. The rate at which many of these complications are likely to occur depends largely on the material of which the prosthetic covering is composed. In general, polyurethane-coated prostheses tend to have fewer complications than silicone-coated prostheses.
The result of the breast augmentation procedure can be seen one month after the procedure, although it takes at least one year to appreciate the final result.
El resultado final depende de las características corporales y de la mama de cada paciente, así como de los deseos de cada paciente.
Fat grafting with the patient’s own fat has different indications than augmentation with prostheses. Breast augmentation with fat grafting works best in cases where the breast requires volume in specific areas and not so much in its total volume. As a general rule, breast augmentation with implants is the preferred treatment because of its greater reliability.
The main advantage is the ability to reduce excess fat deposits as well as the absence of rejection as it is performed with your own fat.
The main disadvantages are the disappearance of about 40% of the grafted fat, which may require several sessions to obtain the desired breast volume. Another disadvantage is the limitation of fat resources depending on which patients as well as the limitation of the maximum volume to be performed. There may be other complications such as microcalcifications or necrosis of the injected fat. To avoid the latter, it is necessary to limit the grafted volume in order to allow better nutrition of the grafted fat cells.
The ideal candidate for a breast augmentation with in-house fat is a patient with sufficient fat deposits and a limited volume augmentation requirement.