Breast Lift
Anesthesia | General |
Duration | 2 - 3 hours |
Hospitalization | 1 night |
Postoperative needs | Post-operative bra |
Results | Immediately visible. Settlement 1 year. |

There are several methods for performing a breast lift.
Depending on the volume required, mastopexy can be performed with or without prosthesis:
Mastopexy with prosthesis
Mastopexy or breast lift with prostheses is performed by adding volume to the breast either because the sagging breast lacks volume or because the woman desires more volume.
The incisions to be made depend on several factors that are explained below in the techniques section.
Mastopexy without prosthesis
La mastopexia sin prótesis se realiza cuando el volumen de la mama es suficiente o cuando la mujer desea mamas más elevadas y más pequeñas. Así podemos realizar dos tipos de elevación sin prótesis:
a) Mastopexy with autoprosthesis
This type of mastopexy is performed when the woman does not wish to reduce its volume but to maintain it and enhance the breast using the maximum available volume of her own breast. In this procedure, we use the excess breast from the lower pole of the sagging breast to reposition it to the upper pole for a more pronounced cleavage.
b) Mastopexia y reducción mamaria
La mastopexia con reducción mamaria la realizamos cuando la mujer desea una mama más pequeña pero más elevada. En este caso planificamos el volumen final deseado por la paciente y retiramos aquella porción de piel y tejido mamaria necesaria para obtener la talla de mama deseada.
Mastopexies with or without prosthesis can be performed following different types of incision patterns:
Vertical Scar Breast Lift Technique
This technique is performed when neither the mammary gland in the lower part of the breast nor the sagging is excessive. In this case, the scars to be made are around the areola and following the vertical in the lower pole of the breast.
Inverted T-scar breast lift technique
This technique is performed when both the lower pole of the mammary gland and the sagging are considerable. In this case the scars are made around the areola and following the vertical of the lower pole of the breast adding another one in the inframammary fold (under the breast).
To either of these two techniques, breast prostheses can be added to fill the volume of the breast, either when it is scarce or when greater visibility of the breast cleavage is desired.
B.A.G.S. System. Special technique Dr. Garcia Ceballos. Mastopexia sin “T” invertida
The B.A.G.S. system(Breast Ancoring Glandular Suspenssion) has been described by Dr. Garcia Ceballos since 2008. Since then it has undergone several improvements and currently avoids the classic incisions around the areola, the vertical and the inverted T. This technique arose as a result of the difficulty of breast lift surgery when combined with breast augmentation.
The system allows a more predictable and simpler way to perform a breast lift, especially avoiding unsightly scars.
Consiste en la elevación de la mama desde dentro de ella reconstruyendo el sistema de suspensión deteriorado por el paso del tiempo, cambios de peso o embarazo, remodelando el interior de la glándula mamaria. Se realiza con una incisión bajo el pliegue de la mama.
Se puede añadir volumen según cada caso mediante unas prótesis, preferiblemente de cobertura de poliuretano tanto en forma de lágrima como redondo. Small, moderate and large volume breast augmentations can be performed with less risk and/or complications. While in traditional mastopexy the volumes that can be obtained are small (with less risk of problems in the incisions), moderate and large (with high risk of scar deformity).
Quién es candidata para la realización de esta técnica:
To evaluate if you are a candidate for this technique you should perform a simple test: raise your arms in front of a mirror and see if you can see the crease under your breast. If the answer is yes then it is very possible that this system can be applied and you can avoid visible scars around the areola, vertical breast or inverted T-shape and increase the volume of your breast almost as much as you want.
It is recommended that you have a mammogram/ultrasound of your breasts prior to surgery, and if there is a family history of breast or ovarian cancer you are advised to have a mapping test.
Our mastopexy and breast lift procedures incorporate a treatment for scars using growth factors. growth factors.
We also offer the possibility of applying a laser treatment on the scars of the mastopexy operation one week and one month after the intervention.
The combination of these two treatments improves the quality and healing time of scars.
We carry out this intervention in Palma de Mallorca.
The price of the intervention is delivered after consulting with Dr. García Ceballos.
During the consultation you will be able to see before and after photos of cases similar to yours.
If you travel or consult us from anywhere in Spain, UK or Europe you can request your telematic consultation via Skype.
It is convenient to put yourself in the hands of a specialist in Plastic cosmetic and reconstructive surgery to carry out this type of intervention.
Our greatest asset is our customers
Today I went for my first checkup after having breast lift surgery with Dr. Garcia Ceballos. It’s been a week since I had the surgery and I’m living a normal life, I haven’t had any pain during these days.
Today I had my first laser session for scars, and it doesn’t hurt at all either, the truth is that I’m amazed. On top of that I got a 50% discount on the laser treatment for scars.I am very happy to be a patient of yours. I recommend it. If I know it, I’ll do it before
— Maria Frau —
Just a week ago I had a mastopexy with the doctor and I am VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY pleased. Super close and a great professional. I have had no pain at all as he had told me. He has made me very happy with his work.
Irene, the girl at the front desk who attended to me, was very friendly and approachable as well.
— Adriana Rosselló —
I want to RECOMMEND and THANK in capital letters and out loud Dr. Garcia Ceballos, my favorite plastic surgeon, and his entire team, Carmen, the best nurse and Irene the best patient coordinator, for all their HELP and SUPPORT in my breast lift procedure. It’s been a year since I had mastopexy surgery with prostheses and I’m happy, the scars have healed very well and the final result is admirable. RECOMIENDO 100×100.
— Lucia Perez —
The price of breast augmentation surgery depends on several factors, including the type of implant, the technique used, the clinic where the surgery takes place and the category of the surgeon. Prices for this procedure range from €3,000 to €10,000.
Te preguntarás si las cicatrices después de una mastopexia son visibles. Las incisiones tras una mastopexia experimentan una evolución en la que justo después de operada las cicatrices se notan y aparecen cubiertas de una postilla. It fades as the days go by and gives way to red scars. In a third phase and after a few weeks the scars begin their maturation period and after a few months they acquire a skin-like tone. After a year the scars of a mastopexy may go unnoticed.
Yes. Mastopexy can be performed with breast augmentation. Some women have sagging and empty breasts either prematurely or as a result of weight loss or pregnancy and lactation. In these cases, a breast lift can be performed with your own breast tissue or, if insufficient, by incorporating breast prostheses.
All women in good health with sagging breasts can undergo mastopexy. Mastopexy is most often performed on patients who have been pregnant or have experienced significant weight loss as well as those who have experienced sagging of the breasts due to the passage of time.
Mastopexy can be performed from the full growth of the female breast.
La recuperación de una mastopexia puede oscilar entre una semana para hacer una vida normal sin presionar el pecho y realizar esfuerzos, y un mes momento en el cual se puede comenzar la actividad deportiva.
La sensibilidad de las areolas después de una mastopexia puede o no verse alterada. This can apply to one or both breasts.
The stitches of a mastopexy do not need to be removed in our case although there are plastic surgeons who suture the breast incisions with suture material that needs to be removed. En estos casos se suelen mantener entre 10 y 15 días.
La cicatriz de una mastopexia puede tener distintas formas dependiendo del grado de caída de la mama, del tipo de piel que presente la paciente así como de los hábitos del cirujano plástico responsable. La cicatriz de una mastopexia puede tener forma de T invertida (ancla), forma vertical (chupa-chups) o circum periareolar (alrededor de la areola) o hemi periareolar (media luna).
Breast lift without implants is a technique in which the patient’s own breast tissue is lifted and the patient’s own tissue is used to provide volume to the breast. In these cases the final volume is limited to the volume of the pre-existing breast. Mastopexy without implants is perfectly valid in each and every case where the woman does not want more volume than she already has.