Mamas Tuberosas

Anesthesia General
Duration 2 - 3 hours
Hospitalization 1 night
Postoperative needs Postoperative Bra / Elastic Band
Results Immediately visible. Settlement 1 year.
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Mamas Tuberosas

Tuberous or tubular breasts are characterized by the absence of breast tissue in any of the four quadrants of the breast. In these cases, the areola occupies most of the breast volume. Sometimes, this type of breast conformation causes a certain insecurity or lack of self-esteem in women.

Esta forma se debe al desarrollo escaso del tejido mamario durante el crecimiento de la mama debido a una constricción concéntrica del tejido glandular, en otras palabras es como si anillos fibrosos impidiesen el desarrollo del pecho. The correction of this type of breast shape is surgical.


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The Intervention

The operation for tuberous or tubular breasts consists of reducing the size of the areola and incorporating breast volume by means of a breast implant. Habitualmente el tipo de implante que se suele usar para esta intervención es una prótesis con forma redonda aunque también puede ser anatómica.

La cirugía consiste en liberar los anillos fibrosos que constriñen la expansión de la mama en sus cuatro cuadrantes.

Incisions are usually made around the areola and are used to reduce the size of the areola.

La intervención se realiza bajo anestesia general y la hospitalización puede ser de una noche.

La utilización de las prótesis mamarias suele ser bastante frecuente para la corrección de la deformidad. En este caso se suelen emplazar inmediatamente debajo del tejido glandular para que mediante la expansión que produce la prótesis la mama adopte una forma más natural.


Our mastopexy and breast lift procedures incorporate a treatment for scars using growth factors. growth factors.

We also offer the possibility of applying a laser treatment on the scars of the mastopexy operation one week and one month after the intervention.

The combination of these two treatments improves the quality and healing time of scars.

We carry out this intervention in Palma de Mallorca.

The price of the intervention is delivered after consulting with Dr. García Ceballos.

During the consultation you will be able to see before and after photos of cases similar to yours.

If you travel or consult us from anywhere in Spain, UK or Europe you can request your telematic consultation via Skype.

It is convenient to put yourself in the hands of a specialist in Plastic cosmetic and reconstructive surgery to carry out this type of intervention.

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Frequently Asked Questions

During the first two or three days you may feel tightness and some discomfort that is not usually frank pain. En cualquier caso deberás tomar medicación para estar más cómoda durante una semana.

No. To modify the shape of tuberous breasts, it is necessary to modify the structure of the breasts, which requires surgical intervention.

The breasts are tube-shaped, with a narrow base and a large areola that can occupy the entire width of the breast and are very often asymmetrical. They are often referred to as “mamas caprinas” (goat breasts) because of their shape.

Existen varios grados de severidad que condicionan el tratamiento. Lo más habitual es que necesites una reducción de las areolas (cicatriz alrededor de la areola) con una modificación glandular acompañada por unas prótesis mamarias que van a conferir una forma y tamaño más atractivo.

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