
reduccion mamaria

Tranexamic acid and breast reduction

Tranexamic acid and breast reduction Can topical tranexamic acid reduce…


Weight and volume of breast implants

Dr. García Ceballos is a plastic surgeon in Palma de Mallorca. On this…

aumetno mamario , breast augmentation

The breast augmentation consultation

Dr. Garcia Ceballos, plastic surgeon in Palma de Mallorca, would like to…

breast implants, breast augmentation, aumento mamario, protesis mamarias

Breast implant: above or below the muscle?

Over the years, opinions about the placement of breast implants in a breast…

Aumento de pecho, breast augmentation

Breast Augmentation: 8 essential things to know

Currently, breast augmentation breast augmentation has become one of the most…

Financiación cirugía estética, financing

Financing Cosmetic Surgery

New Partnership with Pepper Finance to Facilitate Your Cosmetic Surgery…

implantes, breast implants

Breast implants: above or below the muscle?

Should my breast implant be placed above or below the muscle? A fundamental…

Precio de aumento de pecho, breast augmentation

Breast Augmentation Price: 5 Factors to Consider

When it comes to the price of breast augmentation, there are several factors to…

Mallorca Medical Group

New group of breast prostheses based on microscopic characteristics of breast capsules

The formation and behavior of the periprosthetic capsule of the breast implant…