

Facial treatments from 35 to 50 years of age

Facial Treatments from 35 to 50 years of age   As we age, the skin and…

Tratamientos faciales entre los 25 a 35 años

Tratamientos Faciales entre 25 y 35 Años   Durante la etapa de los 25 a 35…


Robotics and Automation in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery

Series: Engineering and Plastic Surgery: A Transformative Fusion. Chapter 5.…


Biomaterials and Prosthetics in Plastic Surgery: A Journey through Innovation

Series: Engineering and Plastic Surgery: A Transformative Fusion. Chapter 4.…

El Rol de la Ingeniería en el Campo de la Cirugía Plástica

3D Modeling and 3D Printing: Revolutionizing Plastic Surgery

Series: Engineering and Plastic Surgery: A Transformative Fusion. Chapter 3. 3D…

innovaciones tecnológicasEl Rol de la Ingeniería en el Campo de la Cirugía Plástica

Technological Innovations in the Field of Plastic Surgery

Series: Engineering and Plastic Surgery: A Transformative Fusion. Chapter 2.…

El Rol de la Ingeniería en el Campo de la Cirugía Plástica

The Role of Engineering in the Field of Plastic Surgery

Series: Engineering and Plastic Surgery: A Transformative Fusion. Chapter 1. In…

cirugía plástica, ingeniería

Engineering and Plastic Surgery: Prologue of 6 chapters

Plastic surgery has undergone a revolution with the advent of modern technology…