New group of breast prostheses based on microscopic characteristics of breast capsules

The formation and behavior of the periprosthetic capsule of the breast implant is mainly determined by the implant surface combined with other external factors such as intraoperative contamination, radiation or concomitant drug treatment. There are several diseases: capsular contracture, breast implant disease or breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma that have been correlated with the specific type of implant placed. You can read more about these issues in the Mallorca Medical Group blog.


“…The formation of the periprosthetic capsule and its behavior are determined by the type of implant surface and other external factors…”


We write about the first study* comparing all major implant models of Mentor®, McGhan®, Polytech polyurethane®, Xtralane®, Motiva® and Natrelle Smooth® brands and commercially available textures on capsule development and behavior in a murine model. Through histopathological analysis, we compare the behavior of different implant surfaces and how different cellular and histological properties result in different susceptibilities to develop capsular contracture in the postoperative period of a breast augmentation or breast lift with prosthesis among these devices.

This study shows the relevance of the surface of the breast implant in the definitive development of the capsules, since this is one of the most differentiated factors that determine the incidence of capsular contracture and probably other diseases such as anaplastic large cell lymphoma associated with breast implants. A correlation of these findings with clinical cases will help to unify the classification criteria of implants based on their shell and their estimated incidence of capsule-associated pathologies.

Currently, breast implants are classified according to their structure as follows:

1. Smooth
2. icrotextured
3. Macrotextures (including polyurethane compounds).

This study shows that polyurethane-coated implants have specific characteristics that differ from the others in that they are thicker than the others but have fewer and more anarchically arranged myofibroblasts. They propose the following groups:

1. Smooth implants
Microtextured implants
3. Macrotextured implants
4. Implants with polyurethane coating

You can see different types of textures in this link to the manufacturer Polytech Health Aesthetics.

In Mallorca Medical Group we try to keep our knowledge updated to offer a better service to our patients. For more information please contact us here.
