Series: Emotional well-being and plastic surgery. Chapter 2.
Can emotions affect the perception of the outcome of cosmetic surgery?
Let’s imagine a woman named Laura who has always had a complex about her nose. He feels that his nose is too large and disproportionate to his face. After years of considering it, she finally decides to undergo a rhinoplasty to correct her nose and feel more self-confident.
The surgery is successful, and from an aesthetic point of view, her nose has been reshaped in a harmonious and balanced way with the rest of her face. The plastic surgeon has achieved excellent results in terms of appearance.
However, as Laura recovers and becomes accustomed to her new appearance, she begins to experience complex emotions. Although others tell her that she looks amazing and that the surgery has greatly improved her appearance, she still feels some dissatisfaction.
This is because, although the surgery has improved her physical appearance, her emotions have not been fully addressed. Laura still feels insecure and worried about how others perceive her. While his nose has changed, his underlying emotional issues have not been resolved.
“…It is crucial that patients and surgeons understand that cosmetic surgery is not just about physical change…”
Their perception of the outcome is affected by their emotions and self-esteem. No matter how aesthetically pleasing your new nose may be, as long as you do not feel secure and confident internally, you will continue to have difficulty fully accepting the change.
This example highlights the importance of addressing both the emotional and aesthetic aspects of cosmetic surgery. Only when working on the patient’s emotional well-being can more satisfactory and lasting results be achieved. It is crucial for patients and surgeons to understand that cosmetic surgery is not only a physical change, but also a journey towards acceptance and self-love.
Series: Emotional Wellness and Plastic Surgery
Foreword Chap. 1Chap. 2Chap. 3 Chap. 4Chap. 5Ch. 6Chap. 7